Monday, May 4, 2009


4th May 2009
21:00 at night

Something was haunting my thoughts.
For some inexplicable reasons, my heart kept palpitating with each passing second.

Something bad had happened’, a voice inside my head spoke.

I shook the thought off my head and put every ounce of my energy not to think about it.
However, the harder I tried not to think about it, the more I think about it.
It was like that ‘something’ was trying to communicate with me.

I felt it was necessary to get back home and the sooner the better.

As I arrived home, my servants were dashing towards the car.
They were reporting that my sister was grimacing in pain and she was vomiting her stomach out.
She was having a fever or more and she could barely walk.

The news sends shudders down my spine.
Without any more deliberation, my father interrupted her and told them to find my sister.

Panic-stricken was intoxicate by the entire house.
Everyone was searching for my sister like a top-criminal search on progress.
Once she was in the car, the car flew like a magic carpet.

We went to the nearest hospital in our neighborhood.
On the spur of the moment, we were inside the ER explaining the doctor what had happened.

Doctor was questioning us about her activity for the day.
‘What did she eat? When did the nausea feeling start happening?’ on and so on.
I answered his every questions without any hesitant.

Doctor told us to move further as he did not want any interference while he was doing his work.
While waiting for the result to come out, my hands could not stop fidgeting with my hand phone.

After a long check-up, injection was suggested to be taken for any precaution.
The choice was either injections or staying in hospital.
Since my sister did not like to be in hospital, injection should do just fine.

As the doctor began the process,
She told me to stand beside her.
She held my hand tightly and gave a wince as the doctor injected her.

As both of the injections were done, she was enveloped with relief.
Although she was now asleep, her body temperature was still 38.2 degree Celsius.
I hope she would get better soon.

It’s not a good idea to be sick when common test is one more week ahead of you.
This is terrible!