Saturday, April 18, 2009


Why do I like rain?
Rain is the period of my existence when nobody notices that in fact I am crying.

Drip by drip, droplets of rain fall from the sky.
Looking up to the dark gloomy clouds, tears along with rain is streaming unbrokenly down my cheeks.
It washes away the trail of tears leaving me with a fresh look.
After then, nobody would know what’ve happened and nobody would find out.

Rain is really a perfect time to pour your grief out in public.
It’s efficient and feels incredibly great.

Life is a challenge for every human being.

My life has always been ups and downs, bumpy and never smooth.
It’s really frustrating and irritating as well.
Tough as it goes, slowly problems are increasing.
Nobody could understand the confusion grow within me.
It keeps on growing and hasn’t ever ended.
Trials and errors have been made but antidote still is nowhere to be found.

I’m a sick patient waits for a perfect medicine.
I’m damaged!

I really don’t understand myself.
Finding out about myself has given me a mystery of my own.
I don't seem to know myself anymore. I'm surprisingly different.

Recently, I look at my reflection on the mirror and see a whole other person.
She looks just like me but I know she is not me.
It’s terrifying yet confusing situation.
I don’t know who I have become.
Such changes are just too fast for our naked eyes to witness although it all occurs in front of us.

In every sorrow cases I've felt, you'll find me crying in the rain.
Rain will accompany me.
They understand. nobody does.


  1. And the emotional rollercoaster slides down... We're back to sad emotions again lol.

    So in what sense are you damaged? Brain damaged from too much work?

  2. heart damaged...
    maybe patrick is flirting around with another girl, AGAIN..

  3. actually to think of it, it's both..
    I mean in everything..

    I just feel so wrong..
    I've no idea what is it but I always feel sick and wrong.. T.T

    A feeling I WISH to vanish from sight..

  4. Don't cry..
    because the more you cry, the more often the rain will come to accompany you..
    and the greater chance of flooding it creates...

    Can't you find the medicine in Kimia Farma??

  5. Why do you like to write all these depressed story??

    Girls can write more..
    They are more extrovert than boys..

    I don't know what to write for this week. T_T

  6. Same like me..!!
    no idea, blank.. Just blank..

    Yup, alfon's right, your entries have been about depress, sadness, etc..
    it makes readers to be also depress when they read it.. T_T.
    write something pleasant.. :D..

  7. Haha..
    I'll try not to be depressed.. ^^

    Alfon: Maybe I'm nt tat kinda person fon..
    I'm different.. well, TOO different..

    Thx for the tips..
    I'll work on it..

  8. Rain, to me is joy. Its washing away all my sadness and wrong doings. That's why I go crazy when there's rain.

  9. Yea I can see that..
    I'm the victim of your splash, remember?

  10. Rain can wash away ur tears..
    Don't cry during drought season..
    Wait until rainy season..

    But, i think rain can make us cry too..

  11. hahah Diana, that is a witty suggestion haha... So bottle your happiness for sunny days and bottle your sadness for rainy season lol.

  12. sure sure..
    geographically speaking.. haha ^^
