Friday, March 27, 2009


Have you ever felt like your life is full speed ahead of you?
Have you ever wish that somehow, you'd be given a longer time to stay with your friends?

For my answer, I’m still expecting a miracle although it's one to a million chances..

Every now and then, everything just run inexplicably fast..
Even none of us are aware that actually we are left with not much time..

Having the thought of them leaving is a suicidal feeling for me..
'good-bye' is what I can think of although Melia will slap me for that..
She really hates it when I remind her we'll be going in our separate ways soon..

I can even imagine how I'd be when they are gone..
There's only one word to describe, 'miserable'

However, when that day is upon me, there's nothing much I can do to change the future..
Their future are settled and so as mine, we're just have to stay put and move on..
Hoping we'll get over it even if it'll take a long time..

Few years pass and we'll get older..


we'll wallow in memories of long-gone high school days..
Missing our old times..
Having to realize how ridiculous we look when we're young..
Having all those thoughts right now really bring tears to my eyes..

I'm sad to the day awaits me..
I'm afraid to lose my friends..
I'm not comfortable in feeling like I'll soon be left alone.. friendless..

Lots have been changing in my life and I demand no more changes..
I just want everything just be simple and normal..
Why can't it be that simple?

For one thing for sure, I'll miss them..
How about you?


  1. You're so young and your life is ahead of you!. Eradicate these negative thoughts from your head and think of happier things! Like how lucky you are to be surrounded by friends now.

  2. there's no life without friends.. GeGe.. :D

  3. "Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods."

    "Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love."

    "I've learned that all a person has in life is family and friends. If you lose those, you have nothing, so friends are to be treasured more than anything else in the world."

    Quotes by Joseph Osibisa Tanaya(1993- )

  4. Yea i know.. tat's why..
    later on, when the time has arrived.. which is very soon..

    they'll be gone..
    out of my sight.. far away from me.. forever..

    However, i won't be thinking to do some stupid things.. of course..
    i still wanna get married someday.. ^^

    i just feel that i'm lonely already.. although they are still here with me..
    it's just a feeling of mine..

    sad, worry feelings..
    feelings can't be stop or can't they?
